In Studio - Practicing Confidence with Courtney of The Momfidence Podcast
When Courtney reached out over social media to coordinate a branding session in studio, my first thought was: Oh lawd, I am going to be steamrolled. This girl has her shit together ten-fold; not only is Courtney an Executive Leader in the fitness industry and mama to a beautiful little girl, she is the creator and producer of the popular #Momfidence Podcast and blog #MomfidentAF. Talk about a girl killing it in her industry.
A little backstory about me (because I can't not talk about myself somewhere in here): I consider myself an extroverted-introvert. Aka, I am inherently bubbly and outgoing, and crave social interaction, to a certain point. Once I hit that point, I completely turn inward and need to be home under a blanket STAT. My brain turns to mush, words don't make sense anymore, and I start to sweat and feel ill. My cup has emptied all my social energy and I am left totally reeling and wondering how I went from a thriving extrovert to a crumbling homebody in 60 seconds. So when I witness someone with unending energy and extroverted personality, my little introverted self starts that pre-crash sweat without even experiencing the social energy in person. This is something that I've realized through networking and events, especially in the last year or so. My extroverted energy tank is just not what it used to be.
But can I just say - Courtney is so lovely. I totally shelved my worries about crumbling into an introverted spaz as soon as she walked into the room. We laughed and chatted all things entrepreneur and growth, a bit about fitness and a lot about confidence. This girl has it in spades. It was an absolute pleasure to work together, and I can't wait to create more content for her thriving business (and some family photos for those walls!). Thank you, Courtney, for giving this introverted turtle a little taste of your infectious confidence! Looking for your own in-studio content and branding photography? Get in touch!